Spread generosity and positive energy and it will come back to you in kindness.
I am dedicating this post to improving the human condition. Can we spread kindness because we want to, not because we feel we HAVE to; for it to come so naturally that we don't need an article such as this to prompt us to do a little good in the world? So many of us are already there, but society as a whole still needs to work at it. So, if kindness is yet to come naturally to you, here are a few "random acts of kindness" prompts to get you on the path to "feel good" deeds too.
Episode 4: Be Kind.
- Use social media to give positive feedback (and rather than allowing negative comments, stand up for being kind)
- Say thank you EVERY DAY, without fail
- Encourage your workout partner when they are feeling like an unmotivated couch potato
- Value those that work in the service industry
- Call your Mum (or close loved one) for no reason, "just because"
- Volunteer your time - a charity, a not for profit, a local community garden
- Lend an ear over a cup of coffee or tea
- Offer your couch if someone needs a place to stay (no questionable sorts on your couch please)
- Hand write a kind note for someone who has been kind to you lately
- Put all your old garments, blankets and toys in a bag and donate them to those in need
- Do something for YOURSELF this weekend, show yourself some self compassion too!
You never know who needs you, good energy is contagious...
Do you have any other small act of kindness ideas you can share with us in the comments below?