Empowering yourself to manage your own health and wellness is such a wonderful feeling. As a grown adult capable of researching, learning and making choices for myself, my first step is always to take responsibility for my own health journey. Sure, I'm so grateful for the education and advice of health experts around me - without them I wouldn't be as healthy as I am today. I do know however, that many find it easier to ask for what they need, and be told, with no real understanding as to why, and without tuning into their body's own innate wisdom first.
Your body is full of wisdom, please don't discount it!
One question I like to ask myself as I go about my day is this:
Is using this product or eating this food adding value to or detracting from my life?
Now a note on this. This does not mean I wouldn't tuck into a sticky date pudding. On the one hand, it's laden with sugar and gluten and I could be left feeling less than perky. On the other hand, if I'm out for dinner with my dear friend Elise (who just loves her sticky date, and I absolutely adore my time with her), I will most certainly grab a spoon and tuck in - because a shared experience whilst devouring food that is good for the soul IS good for me!
Today I wanted to share ten ways to keep your health game strong, all of which I include in my life, almost every day.
10,000 steps per day!
Not a day goes by that I don't walk. I rarely drive. I walk to get coffee, to get food, to go to the post office, all within my local community. It's so ingrained in me to get up in the morning and hit the pavement that it's not even a choice. I do this for energy, to improve mental clarity, to raise my mood and for many more reasons all listed here! I'm strict on walking to maintain a 10,000 step average because when you work from home it's easy not to move far!
Peppermint essential oil
To clear the airways and provide a mid afternoon pick-me-up, apply 1 drop in the palm of your hands, rub hands together, cup nose, inhale! Have a drop of pure, tested grade peppermint in your mug of hot water after meals to support digestion. You can join my oily community and purchase wholesale oils here.
LifeLong Vitality supplement range
Approved by the TGA and one of the best things that came into my healthy life - every day twice a day, full dose. (Oh and straight from the TGA "..more mental clarity, energy, motivation, control, balance, and happiness, while reporting less back pain, muscle pain, cold and flu incidence, anxiety, frustration, and irritation..." - AND doTERRA have a 30 day money back guarantee!. You can buy it wholesale via me here. Please, do yourself a favour and just try it, even if just for 2-3 months. Though I'm pretty sure you wouldn't stop then.
1/2 cup homemade bone broth
Every day with breakfast or lunch to support gut health, lower inflammation and strengthen hair, nails and bones! Find the recipe here.
Diffuser blends
Choose the oils that will help clear airborne threats! At the first sign of a something niggling, I turn to the doTERRA OnGuard essential oil blend - send those molecules into the air (with your diffuser) and breathe those germ fighting gems in! Remember, we never put a flame under essential oils.
Fresh, cold pressed veggie juice
I swear I can see this juice in my skin when I keep this habit up - a definite glow, not to mention a vitality hit within 15 minutes. If I didn't love my coffee so, I'd rely solely on my juice, but alas. (My combo usually includes kale, carrot, lemons (whole), celery, beetroot, ginger and turmeric. Oh and my lucky dog gets the pulp) This carrot, apple and ginger immunity juice is also pretty tasty!
Photo by K15 Photos on Unsplash
EasyAir essential oil blend.
Another doTERRA favourite. A few drops on a washer on the base of the shower every morning for an instant lift as you wake up in the shower. A diluted drop on the chest to support clearer airways. Drops in your diffuser if you need even more support. You can grab your own EasyAir here.
Fresh fruit and veg with every meal.
This of course is a given, but hey, it'd be remiss of me not to mention it. I have a 'thing' whereby I need to eat something living with every meal. Even if I have roast meat and veg for dinner, I need raw kimchi on the side. A serve of veggie risotto? It must come with a green salad. Wholefood muesli for breakfast? It's always paired with fresh strawberries. Living food = vitality.
I try and make sure I get through 2 litres a day. To make sure this happens I fill a jug on rising and it must be empty before bed time! I am pretty sure I don't need to tell you why I like to consume lots of water?
8 hours sleep (often extended to 8.5)
I'm pretty fastidious about this, I won't lie. (Easily said I know when there aren't any little tackers keeping me awake). Sleep is the number one, most important thing for me - for my physical, emotional and mental health. Others with a history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are likely nodding their heads at this as I type, but I will get quite anxious if I know I'm going to have a short sleep. If you need help getting a better night's sleep, read this.
I hope you found these tips inspired you in some way. Now it's your turn. Is there anything you do in your day to day that helps you stay healthy and strong? Please comment below!
Top Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash